Greek life bids farewell — Fraternity, Sorority life director Matt Kurz moves to Florida leaving a hole in greek leadership

University of Idaho will have another leadership change in an unexpected place. Matt Kurz, UI director of fraternity and sorority life, will be leaving. Most Greeks know who Kurz is. He is the man so many have criticized for so long, and he will finally be gone. But before many of you celebrate I have one question. Why do you despise him?

A lot of Greeks don’t like Kurz, not all Greeks, but a good number. Most of this animosity – if not all – comes from a lack of understanding of what he does. Many think Kurz’s job is to turn the Greek system into a dry anti-social wasteland, where even the mention of a party is met with the respective Greek chapter being shut down. This is simply not true.

The director is responsible for two things. The first is administrative work, which includes anything from helping plan recruitment to helping plan Greek week with outside sources, as well as represent Idaho Greek life at conventions and other gatherings. The second part is internal, and it includes helping fraternity and sorority members with advising. The director helps the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council with issues such as assisting houses in reforming their grade policies and helping chapter presidents manage their house.

As far as drinking goes, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life doesn’t even have rules regarding drinking. They ask that people to follow the state and federal law, and follow the rules of the organization they pledged to.

“If a rule is broken I have to follow-up,” Kurz said. “But as long as people are being safe, we don’t need to do that much.”

These follow-ups usually consist of the current director calling the president of the chapter that had the violation and making sure that the president deals with the situation. Only in the most extreme cases is it the director’s job to contact a chapter’s national headquarters or chapter adviser. It is the job of the director of fraternity and sorority life to empower students to hold each other accountable.

If it isn’t already obvious, the director has the best interests of the Greek community at heart. Kurz cares about the safety and well being of each and every Greek member, and he believes that we as adults need to learn to manage ourselves.

So it is time to stop hating him and blaming him for things like minors in possession or a chapter house getting shut down. It is us who make the decision to break the law, and whether you or me thinks the law is ridiculous or not, it is the law. If we want it to change we must be active and do it ourselves. Blaming others won’t solve the problem.

Kurz is a person who cares deeply about UI Greek system and its students.

“I love my job and working with students, I love seeing them grow and mature. The future of Greek life depends on the fraternity and sorority members themselves,” Kurz said. “The future of Greek life at Idaho belongs to you guys, if we keep moving in a positive direction and we police ourselves, everything will be fine.”

So I encourage you to wish Kurz good luck in all his future endeavors, and also to hope we get a new director that can match Kurz’s skill.

Judd Sempel can be reached at [email protected]

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