Vandal voices

What do you think about a potential smoking ban on campus? Do you think the university would be able to enforce such a ban?

“I think it is absolutely ridiculous. This university is the home of many individuals, even those who smoke. The enforcement would be impractical and in principle alone this is wrong.”

–Clayton McFarland


“I don’t think a complete ban is really necessary. I did vote yes on the recent ASUI ballot, however I think more enforcement of the current 25 feet away from the building rule should be better enforced.”

–Sam Koester


“I don’t think it is very enforceable, because it would require a very broad level of implementation on campus. I happen to agree with it, as I don’t like inhaling smoke next to doorways. I know there is a Moscow-wide ban on smoking in buildings, but I don’t believe that applies to campus doorways. Still, smokers have some rights, so I think they should make the designated distance from the buildings further, but not prohibit it entirely. They could make some signs to put next to doorways.”

–Romy Halpern


“Having assigned smoking areas is fine. I think banning it is going a bit too far. I’m a non-smoker. I don’t approve of smoking as an action. But I do know people who smoke and if they want to do it, then that’s their choice. And I’ve never had a problem walking to class right by people outside having a cigarette. And there’s often more litter around than cigarette butts anyway.”

–Cody Waters


“I’m one of the students leading this project. We have found that enforcement was not needed at the 1,129 other colleges with smoking bans across the country. Proper education, awareness, and signage is all that is needed to make the ban effective.”

–Kenton Trautvetter


“I’m not a smoker, but I don’t think that banning it outright on such a large campus is the answer, especially if the ban extends to other tobacco products as at North Idaho College. However, I think stricter time, place and manner laws — e.g. designated smoking areas in addition to the 20-foot rule (maybe make it 50 feet?) — can and should be enabled without stepping on too many smokers’ rights.”

–Jonathan Gradin


“I would agree on some expansion and enforcement on current regulations; however, I do not think a campus-wide smoking ban would be wise or successful. I want to see smoking restrictions in front of doorways enforced, and smoking banned on walkways.
People have a right to smoke. People also have a right to NOT inhale it. But when it comes to walking from one building to another, you can’t help but walk through a cloud of smoke — I’d like to see this improved.
I don’t think smokers should have to make a journey off campus or smoke in secret.”

–Jesse Zylstra


“I think the ban would be pointless, I realize people don’t like the smell of smoke but that doesn’t mean smokers don’t have a right to smoke, just because I don’t like your perfume or cologne doesn’t mean it should be banned. As long as smokers follow the rule of being 25 feet away from the doors/windows (and actually have it enforced), or have designated smoking areas, then I don’t see a problem with it. I don’t smoke but I also can’t tell another adult what they can and can’t do.”

–Alexandra Medina


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