More S’mores

Chloe Rambo | Crumbs

Chloe Rambo | Crumbs

Chloe Rambo | Crumbs

Gather your friends around a space heater, grab some marshmallows and make the best out of these next bitterly cold days. With s’mores, anything goes and just about everything tastes good on them. This recipe brings together two of the most divine flavors, chocolate and peanut butter, but don’t stop there. You can use any type of chocolate – truffles, pieces of candy bars, anything. Just have fun.


  • 1 graham cracker, broken in half into two pieces
  • 1 large marshmallow
  • 1 chocolate peanut cluster
  • 1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter

How to

  1. Place the marshmallow on top of one half of the graham cracker.
  2. Place on a microwave-safe plate and microwave for 10 seconds.
  3. Be sure to closely watch the marshmallow while it’s cooking in the microwave — marshmallows have a tendency to quickly blow up under the intense heat of the microwave oven.
  4. After the 10-15 seconds, squish the chocolate peanut cluster into the warm marshmallow. Allow the cluster to melt for 10-15 seconds.
  5. Smear peanut butter on the other graham cracker half.
  6. Squish both graham crackers halves together, so that the peanut butter side is on top of the marshmallow.
  7. Take a huge bite, dribble it down your chin and enjoy thoroughly.

Try something different

To change this recipe up, use a variety of chocolates. Instead of the chocolate peanut cluster combined with a smear of peanut butter, try a Lindt dark chocolate truffle, a piece of a Hershey’s Cookies n’ Crème bar, a Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup, or even a fudge-covered Oreo. The options are limitless.

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