4 replies

  1. Jim

    I would like to hear what plan Mr. Spear has for the Vandal football program now. I heard someone say that "he has a replacement coach in mind"... who is going to coach a team with no conference, no money, no players, etc.? If you're going to fire a coach mid-year, there should be a really good reason and an even better backup plan. Well Mr. Spear?

  2. Sherri Wood

    I think it was wrong for Spear to fire Akey. I think the least he could have done is waited until the end of the season. Or better yet--how about fire Spear and keep Akey!

  3. Joe

    Toss the Spear!!!!!!!!

  4. Paula Jewell

    I dont think he should of been fired at all, you can only coach what talent you have, if you talent pool is shallow then games are hard to win, I also believe they are out of their league right now, they need to go back to Big Sky, build their game then venture out, but the director only sees dollar signs. So um hows that working out for you?

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