Off the Cuffs 8.31

It’s September

And that means in my book it’s officially fall. Bring on the pumpkin, beer, apple city and football. Favorite season of the year by far.


Summer transitions to fall

Soon we’ll be enjoying sweaters, boots, scarves, hot cocoa, pumpkins, firewood scents and crunchy leaves.


Summer transitions to ugh

Soon we’ll have to wear bulky sweaters, clop around in waterproof shoes, warp ourselves in woolen scarves and quaff hot-cocoa by the gallon simply to stay warm. Then there are rotting jack-o-lanterns, air pollution and raking.



The Steve Miller Band has the greatest Greatest Hits album of all time, bar none.


Of course

All your base are belong to Russell Wilson.


Twitter etiquette

@SKvandalnation @ PolarBear_Theo and @KUOIMadison #residenttwitterexperts…#how #many #hashtags #are #too #many #hashtags #?


That awkward moment

When you crash a “bro-becue” that The Argonaut sports staff didn’t invite you to. Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t hang. #comeatmebro

— Elisa

Wise words

“Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks.” Dr. Seuss


Two weeks

We’ve only been in school for 10 days, but it seems like a lifetime since summer. Gotta love the busy life.



The Idaho band gets Dominos pizza during football games. Up in the press box, we’re stuck with Sodexo pizza. First world problems.


Pick of the week

Go read Cheryl Strayed’s book, “Wild,” right this very second. Now.


Run now

Get out there and enjoy the last weekend of summer weather, boys and girls. Snow is right around the corner.


Stop drop and roll

Be safe this Labor Day weekend.

­– Amrah

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