Snack List: Finals Week

Granola bars are a quick, easy and inexpensive way to stay fueled through finals week.

chloe rambo—crumbs…

I’ll be honest — finals week is an awesome excuse to stop buying groceries, stop spending time cooking meals, totally stop caring about personal hygiene and find some stretchy pants to sit, study and snack. It’s all about the snacks.

[slideshow]With all the study guides and flash cards, your brain is craving a combination of protein and carbohydrates. Plus, it’s ideal if you can multi-task — you’ll save valuable minutes by being able to enjoy a snack and review your notes at the same time.

This edition of the Snack List is full of ideas that will fuel you through any study session. So bring it on, finals week, bring it on.

1. Apple slices with crunchy peanut butter
The classic combination, a standard for protein and a satisfying crunch. Peanut butter is a concentrated source of calories and fats, and will keep you charged through each chapter review. The ‘pb’ can even be swapped for almond butter, sunflower butter or soy butter.

2. Granola bars
With every flavor and fruit combination under the sun, granola bars are the perfect pre-packaged study food. Plus, some sweet versions like Luna and Cliff bars can squash chocolate cravings in their tracks.

3. Graham crackers
These bad boys are completely versatile. You can dip small sections of the grahams in melted dark chocolate for a sweet treat, or even spread on some peanut butter for a punch of protein.

4. Sour patch grapes
This recipe from “Her Campus,” an informational site on women’s college experiences, puts a twist on your grocery store standard. After washing a bunch of green grapes, leave them a bit damp. Sprinkle them with Pink Lemonade Crystal Light powder and place them in the freezer for half an hour.

5. Bulk snacks at WinCo Foods
The numerous bins at WinCo are begging you to make a fine trail mix out of them. With shelled peanuts, toasted pumpkin seeds, chocolate-covered cranberries and raisins, yogurt-covered pretzels and almonds, you can make yourself the perfect study snack.

*Submit you ideas for a Snack List to [email protected] 

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