Avoiding awkwardness

As soon as you get into your senior year of college, people expect you to have an idea about what you want to do after graduation. As a matter of fact, the moment you enroll in your freshman year of college, people start asking what you will do with your education. While some people know what they want to do and stick to their plan, others are still clueless a few months before graduation. 

There are different ways to stop people from asking you the same awkward question again and again. When having a conversation with someone you know will ask about your future, especially people you don’t talk to every day who are just looking for something to say, bring it up before they do. By doing this, you are not caught unaware and left with nothing to say when someone suddenly asks you what your plans are. You will be the one initiating the conversation and will have the upper hand in the discussion.

In case you do not really have concrete plans for after graduation but don’t want to appear unprepared for post-college life, write up a short paragraph and edit it until it is perfect so you have something to give people when the question comes up. Be creative and come up with an impressive array of ideas because that’s what people are usually looking for when they ask you that question — something to keep them entertained.

To save people the trouble of asking in the first place, you can make various T-shirts with a short spiel on what you plan to do after graduation.

A better idea to save money on a T-shirt would be to have it written on your forehead with a sharpie.

The truth is that people will never stop asking about your plans after graduation, it’s just another phase in your life. It’s up to you to patiently deal with it and feel confident that even though you don’t have a blueprint for the rest of your life you are going to be just fine.

Toluwani Adekunle can be reached at [email protected]



About the Author

Toluwani Adekunle Opinion columnist Junior in international studies Can be reached at [email protected]

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