Urban safari

Almost everyone has participated in the act of people-watching, knowingly or unknowingly. Just sitting in a random spot for a while and observing people in their daily routines. The University of Idaho Commons is a suitable location to practice this timeless art. 

Some people nonchalantly pass by while others rush past in a hurry. It’s interesting to read the different expressions on people’s faces as some act confused or abruptly change direction while walking.

People-watching can help you concentrate on someone other than yourself. Some people place too much emphasis on themselves and are not able to connect with others on an emotional level. People-watching may help you empathize with others and realize you are not the only one worrying about a stack of undone assignments or upcoming projects. You might develop an understanding for their situation and feel more generous toward your peers.

When you watch people you become more aware of your community. You begin to notice people and how they are different or similar to yourself. There is a lot of diversity on UI’s campus and students from different countries who speak different languages all mingle together. Observing your surroundings can help you notice and appreciate this diversity.

People-watching is also a beneficial activity in being creative or using your imagination. You can make up a story for each person you observe. Who are they and where did they come from? You are the author and they are your characters.

Finally, people-watching is an effective way to release stress by just relaxing. Nothing is more interesting than our fellow human-beings. So take a few minutes between classes to sit down and enjoy some free entertainment.

Toluwani Adekunle can be reached at [email protected]

About the Author

Toluwani Adekunle Opinion columnist Junior in international studies Can be reached at [email protected]

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