Do you have adequate insurance?

Guest Voice | Amanda Ryan UI graduate student, Architecture

Many people imagine how they would react in an emergency situation, but don’t spend time preparing for the reality of a disaster. Do you know what you would do if there was a catastrophe? Could you afford to lose everything? Most people could not. 

Luckily, insurance is available to cover you, your property and others. There are many types of insurance: Auto, health, life, home owners, etc. But even with all these insurance options, do you have enough coverage?

Auto insurance is legally required if you own and operate a vehicle in nearly all states, but about one in seven drivers do not have auto insurance. So what happens if one of these uninsured drivers hits you? If you carry full coverage or uninsured motorist coverage you will have at least some compensation from insurance. If not,  you will be responsible for that damage.

The majority of students do not own a house, so we are generally tenants who rent our homes. Renters insurance is surprisingly affordable in Moscow and a responsible insurance to have. No matter how careful you are, living in attached housing like apartments and duplexes or converted housing adds a level of uncertainty. If your neighbor’s home catches fire and takes your apartment with it, there is no one to replace all of your belongings without insurance. If you are not sure if you are adequately covered you should talk with an insurance agent. They will discuss your assets, your liability and give advice on what you should do in case an emergency scenario comes true.

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