Error sends UI professor back to UK

Ian Chambers, a University of Idaho history department professor, was required to leave the country Oct. 26 after his immigration status changed because of a processing error.
Chambers returned to his home country of England where he is working with UI to fix the mistake.
Jordan Wrigley, a graduate student in anthropology, is taking a class in colonial North America taught by Chambers until his departure.
“He just said he had some personal issues to take care of and that he’d found this great new substitute to take care of this for a while,” Wrigley said.
Chambers said he is enjoying visiting with family and friends, but misses his friends and colleagues at UI.
“It is just one of those things that pop up in lives and try to trip us up, but with all the support I have had I know that it will just be a small hiccup in my life as a Vandal,” Chambers said.
Chambers said he should be back on campus by early December.
Chambers and UI officials declined to say how the error occurred.

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