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WSU hosts art and music festival, encourages local participation Kazzuzapalousa. It may be a difficult word to spell, but the event behind the word promises an entertaining afternoon for all. […]

Claiborn on UI’s future

Claiborn talks higher education funding, being UI alumna Candis Claiborn started at the University of Idaho studying music, but ended with a chemical engineering degree. Along the way, the UI […]

Claiborn to cross border

UI alumna returns to interview for provost While most candidates for top level administrative positions book a flight to get to campus, Candis Claiborn is only a short drive away. […]

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Vandals fall to Cougs

In its last weekend before entering Big Sky Conference play, the Idaho volleyball team took a quick trip to Pullman to polish up against some elite competition. The Vandals lost […]

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Idaho hangs with a heavyweight

Washington State edges Idaho on pitch  Despite a lights-out performance by sophomore goalkeeper Torell Stewart, the Vandals could not get out of the losing column Sunday afternoon as Washington State […]