OPINION: Watching The West Wing
While a 90’s political drama might not sound engaging; it has a message many need to hear

Do you love the fast-paced dialogue of Gilmore Girls, but wish we got more information about Rory being a reporter on the campaign trail? Do you want to see Rob […]

Queer Representation in Movies and TV
Queer representation in America shows a promising future

Recently in film and television, queer representation has changed and become more frequent, especially in mainstream media. Companies like Disney reach millions of viewers with their original movies as well […]

OPINION: No, Netflix watching is not a hobby
Binging TV shows every other night does not make you special

We’ve almost all been here before. It’s the first week of class, your teacher is asking around the room for everyone’s names, you squirm in your seat awaiting the answer […]

New-age entertainment
TV continues to change, but is it because of social media?

As someone born near the tail-end of the millennial era, I haven’t had much time to see what the golden age of TV entertainment has to offer. But as the […]

Dealing with Trump
SNL’s new government shutdown skit is so accurate it hurts

A full month into the United States government shutdown and the angry, confused and downright hilarious commentary continues strong. “Saturday Night LIVE” has been no exception over the last several […]