A model of the human brain Unsplash | Courtesy
OPINION: ADHD is misrepresented in social media
Stigmas and misinterpreted ADHD traits are not accurate to the disorder

Memes, TikToks, Instagram posts, and the like are full of jokes and quote-on-quote relatable moments for people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. People who have been properly diagnosed or have […]

OPINION: Keeping up with news during confusing times
Take news from social media with a grain of salt

In a time where the term “fake news” has taken over, many find it confusing and difficult to get information from accurate and unbiased sources. This problem has only increased as it becomes more and more common for social media sites to become politically based, attracting input and opinions from every side.

OPINION: Instagram’s decline
New updates make users skeptical of the app's future

If you’re living in 2020 and happen to own a smartphone, you’d have to be living under a rock to not recognize the name “Instagram,” a social media app launched in 2010. When it was originally founded, Instagram quickly rose in popularity, surpassing other previous applications like Facebook and Myspace.

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Preventing further Fyre fraud
Two documentaries later, Fyre Festival is still one of the best cautionary tales in human history

There are many different ways to identify something as an abject failure. For example, the past week has given us two separate documentaries itemizing the woes of the now-infamous and […]

Standing up for ourselves
Standing up to Harvard from a Greek student perspective

Standing up to Harvard — an online effort to take action against Harvard’s policy banning same-sex organizations — flooded social media feeds this week. As a member of the Delta […]

Seeking social media support
Social media has positively affected the grieving process

Social media has taken over the world. People were once fairly private with more serious matters, only talking about them in person with close family or friends. Nowadays, social media […]

Substance over social
The way we use social media as a political tool needs to change

I didn’t take to the Federalist Papers right away when I started to become interested in politics, public policy and law. I’m willing to bet most others don’t do that […]

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The makers of change
This year highlighted students’ ability to speak up and make change

A child of the ‘60s, Elizabeth Brandt, a University of Idaho professor of law, said she knows how deeply social movements can impact young lives. However, the way social movements […]