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Stepping into the spotlight
ESPN’s new cover is a timely step in the right direction

If I were to describe someone who rigorously trained 10 hours each day, had finely-tuned, quick reflexes and spent their remaining time breaking down different strategies, what initially comes to […]

Vandal turned true ninja
UI senior discusses her unique experience competing on the TV show “American Ninja Warrior”

Jordyn Howell, 22, never expected to get a call back, let alone appear on “American Ninja Warrior,” sending in an application to the show on a whim. “I didn’t think […]

From knight to ninja
“Batman Ninja” is another instant hit for DC animation

“Batman Ninja” is part masked vigilante, part katana-wielding shinobi who’s debut on the big screen has largely flown under the radar. From the creator of “Afro Samurai,” comes an interesting […]