Molly Klingher draws the figure of the model | Emily Pearce | Argonaut
Saturday sessions with Tim Daulton
Open Life Drawing Studio gives artists an opportunity to draw nude figures

People slowly trickle in one by one, holding back their breath from walking up three flights of stairs. They grab a stool, board and set up their supplies to start […]

letter writing, art, handwritten,
Letter writing: fond childhood memories
My childhood consisted of ink smeared hands, jumbles of thoughts and love in my heart

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of art? Is it paintings, dancing, pottery, photography, or baking?   Letter writing is a form of art that […]

The different styles of tattoos
How the healing process of tattoos vary between artists

Tattooing is a unique art form. Each person is a completely different canvas, and each tattoo is a new piece of art. However, unlike other forms of art, tattoos have a healing period after. Lack of proper aftercare following a tattoo can lead to tattoos becoming permanently damaged or sometimes being beyond fixing. There are different styles of tattoos, and it’s important to know the subtle difference in styles and what might happen after the healing process.

Prichard Art Gallery displays the pros and trains the young
Walking into the gallery you wouldn’t think to look beyond the exhibits

When walking into the Prichard Art Gallery, patrons first notice the giant art exhibit hanging from the ceiling. The Kaleb Bass creation is an extravagant mixture of fabric, string, wood and video projection all combined to form “Connected by Water.”

Watercolor and Wood Art director Julie Hartwig.
Watercolor and Wood Art
The barn opens its first fall exhibit with first time collaborating artists

Artisans at the Dahmen Barn have decided to put a twist on 2020 and make good with what they have. They have held events like exhibits, programs and art markets through the summer, taking advantage of their outdoor and indoor space.

2020 MFA show
MFA show moved to September because of COVID-19

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) graduates were looking forward to showing their work at the Prichard Art Gallery after spring graduation until a global pandemic took the world by storm.