Elections are coming

Austin Karstetter chose to attend the University of Idaho for two main reasons: the Greek system and UI’s student government.

Kartstetter had been active in student government throughout high school and wanted to continue his involvement in college. He said he considered other schools, but many didn’t have student governments. But with UI, he said he was familiar with the robust student government and its importance on campus.

Now he’s well into his second year with ASUI — he served as a senator last year and currently serves as the high-ranking ASUI pro tempore.

With 40 paid positions, ASUI represents students and their interests through a legislative and executive branch. The ASUI Senate is currently seeking applicants to fill seven open senate seats that are yearlong positions effective in the spring semester.

Applications are due Oct. 29 to the Office of Student Involvement. After applying, candidates will attend a mandatory meeting to learn the ASUI bylaws and practices. ASUI Election Coordinator Emily Stephens said any undergraduate student may apply to become a senator and bring ideas about how they would like to improve UI.

“The senators’ main job description is to deliver weekly reports, and they collaborate with all of the student organizations and all of the university and community entities,” Stephens said. “They are also assigned living groups, so someone who has a vision or idea of how they would like to better our university is what we, as ASUI, are looking for.”

Stephens and fellow elections coordinator James Morrell will work to increase candidates’ exposure to the student body. She said ASUI is looking for candidates who have a strong work ethic and are willing to commit to the five hours per week required of senators, as well as the senate sessions. Candidates will determine their platforms and present their ideas to the student body with campaigns commencing Nov. 3.

“I campaigned very, very hard, and I got elected,” Karstetter said. “You never want to look back and say I could have done more to win, so I did everything I possibly could, talked to every living group on campus, and did literally everything I could do to campaign.”

Karstetter said even though he didn’t know many people he talked to, campaigning was a positive experience and encourages candidates to network with other students.

Along with a dedicated campaign mindset, Karstetter said creating a platform the candidate believes in and will commit to is vital.

“You have to have a really good platform, too, because people really do care about what you say,” he said.

Throughout the campaign process, three open forums will be held where candidates will be able to present their platforms to students and attendees can ask the candidates questions.

“During campaign season, there will be plenty of posters and advertisements for the candidates created by the candidates themselves,” Stephens said.

Kartstetter said the lack of structure in the legislative branch of ASUI can be both good and bad because it requires senators to be self-motivated and responsible since the students and senators’ peers are essentially the only things that regulate what senators do.

Karstetter said the senate agenda varies year-to-year. Last year, the senate focused on events for students, while this year is focused on parliamentary action and creating bills and resolutions to support student interests.

Just as the senate varies collectively, the legislative branch attracts and requires different types of people. Kartstetter said the main necessity in a senator is a desire to improve UI and serve as the voice of the students.

“I honestly don’t think that you have to be outgoing, but I think you have to be approachable to be a senator for ASUI,” he said. “Someone that wants to make a difference on campus, someone who is really, really motivational and dedicated to their job.”Cara Pantone can be reached at [email protected]


ASUI elections will take place Nov. 17-19, and interested candidates and students can find more information about ASUI and elections at www.uidaho.edu/asui.

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