This too shall pass – UI students should plan ahead during final weeks of school

The sun is out. Deadlines are looming. Classes are wrapping up. Graduation is drawing ever closer. 

It’s easy to crash and burn, forget to take care of ourselves and lose patience with those around us. It’s important to remember that this time of year is make or break. We either push through that one last stack of papers, tests, projects and presentations or we bug out and fall on our faces.

Everyone wants to be in the first group, and here are some things to do to make sure it happens.

First, don’t forget sleep and food. Going on two hours of sleep sounds like a good idea, until you realize you can’t stay awake during your final. Lay out a specific schedule and pencil in everything you will be doing in the next two weeks: classes, work, homework, eating, sleep, exercise and time with friends.

It’s easy to get caught up in homework and forget to eat, or to spend a night out when you should really be in bed sleeping. Nip potential problems in the bud and lay everything out ahead of time. Schedule it and stick to it.

Second, remember to be patient. We are all busy and overwhelmed, professors and University of Idaho  staff included. Whether a group project member doesn’t do their part, your professor is behind on grading or some department hasn’t returned your phone calls — remember everyone is busy, many are struggling and we all need support and encouragement.

Yes, things get frustrating. But being patient, understanding and expressing things with kindness gets us all a lot farther than frustration and rudeness.

Finally, make use of the resources at your disposal. The UI Counseling and Testing Center is available to offer students support through stressful times. Counselors can give students the tools to be successful in these final days.

Many colleges offer free food during dead week and finals week — get in touch with your department offices to find out. The Student Rec Center offers free yoga for students, faculty and staff every day during dead week.

Most of all, just remember that in two weeks — pass or fail, win or lose — it will all be over and summer will be here, and with it a chance to recharge before we start it all again.

Unless you are among the graduates — in which case, you’re a lucky soul.



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