Guest Voice: Passing on some health tips

Many college students get caught up in their newfound independence and they forget to take care of themselves. When first attending college, every aspect of your life changes, so it’s important to set up good healthy habits from the start. As a senior who has just gone through the college experience, I’d like to give you the health advice I wish I started out with:

The first few weeks of college are new and exciting, but once things settle down many students find themselves missing home. Homesickness is much more common than students like to admit. At the University of Idaho we believe in watching out for each other and intervening when someone is in crisis. So it’s important to know the signs of homesickness so you, a friend, or a roommate can get the help they need.

Make sure you find a health care provider right away. This will make it easy so you know where to go before you get sick. Living in the dorms, the cold and flu spread like wildfire. So stop the spread of disease by: washing your hands, not going to class when you’re sick, getting flu & meningitis vaccinations and wearing flip-flops in the community showers.

Make an effort to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Take a one credit activity class so you know you’ll make time to work out. The Student Rec Center also has wellness classes, the vandal fitness challenge and intramural sports. For those of you who are short on time, you’ll need to embrace the dorm workout. Use a resistance band, an exercise ball, or free weights to workout in your dorm room.

Try to skip burgers and pizza at the dining hall and find a healthy alternative. Keep healthy snacks in your room, and eat in moderation despite the increase in food options. Bring snacks and a water bottle to class so you won’t be starving during the day.

Lastly, if you choose to drink, make sure you’re smart about it. If you decide to attend a party, be sure you’re surrounded by people you can trust. Never accept drinks from strangers or leave a drink unattended. Always have a “drinking buddy” so you can watch out for each other.

It’s definitely important to take care of yourself and be healthy while you’re at college, but make sure you find a balance. Work hard. Be healthy. Stay safe. But most importantly, be happy. Live it up; enjoy this experience, because it’ll be over sooner than you think.

Chase Lane is an intern for Vandal Health Education. Lane can be reached at [email protected]

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